Saturday, 13 December 2014


07:07 By Lollywood Online No comments

 Mega budget movie ‘Yalghaar’ starring Shaan Shahid and Adnan Siddiqui is heading to its final pre-production phase as more than half of its shooting is completed.
Recently a major action sequence of the film was shot in Tarbala in which the film’s lead actor Shahid along with Ayub Khosa, Umair Jaswal and Bilal Ashraf. Film cast and crew worked day and night to complete the third spell of the shot in Tarbela. The team will now go to Swat and Islamabad where the last two shooting spells will be recorded.
Reportedly the most expensive movie of Pakistan ‘Yalghaar’ has been completely shot in Pakistan. Written, directed and produced by Dr Hasan Waqas Rana the film has expected to have a budget of more than Rs 50 crore.
It is based on the true story of Pakistan Army’s Swat Operation. The film explores what happens in the lives of those involved, including the militants and how all of them are affected at a personal level because of the ongoing operation”.
It stars Shaan Shahid in the lead role, along with Humayun Saeed, Adnan Siddiqui, Ayesha Omer and Sana Bucha. Apart from budget and extensive cast, the film features 150 written characters. Based on a true story over 76 hours of a successful military operation conducted in the Parichar region of Swat district, Yalghaar goes up close to follow the lives of the young, passionate officers and soldiers whose patriotism is throbbing with every heartbeat for their country.
The first trailer of the film is expected to release in January.


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