Saturday, 21 July 2018

Teefa In Trouble Review - A Laddu with All Flavors

03:58 By Lollywood Online No comments

Lahore: Finally Teefa In Trouble Released All Across World and people were waiting for the masterpiece for a long time where Ali Zafar and Maya Ali doing their Lollywood Movie debut.

The cinemas across the globe are jammed pack and audience is enjoying the movie we can hear whistles, clapping from start to the end.

2018 was not started well for the film Industry but after Teefa in Trouble release we are very hopeful that it is going to be highest grosser of 2018 (Finger Crossed).

Although the movie time is bit longer than the usual but you will not get bored for minute, the movie is full of Action, Comedy, Emotions & Romance.

Item number song is a show stealer among others Chan Ve was another added value to the movie.

Teefa In Trouble is complete package in one movie which you not regret watching and your pay off would not be a waste for sure.

Lollywood Online Team wishes Teefa In Trouble all the success and rates it as 5 out of 5. 


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