Pakistani Film writer and director Khalil Ul Rehman Qamar has announced the Comedy film on Indian Wing Commandar Abhinandan whose plane was shot in the premises of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
He revealed that Shamoon Abbasi will play the character of the Indian pilot who seems lookalike of Abhinandan too and the movie will be released before kaaf kangna , kaaf kangna was expected to be released on October 2019 and now we all are confused when it is going to be released.
Well the movie "Come on Abhinandan" will be a complete comedy dig on the devastation of Indian airstrike on 27th of February 2019, as it is the big need of hour to show the world successful operation by our Air Force.
while they made him a hero and awarded him national award then why can't we make a film on our successful operation, infact we need to make thousands of movies on this defeat of India and we are all happy that khalil ul Rehman Qamar realized the need of hour and strove for writing a script on it and Shamoon Abbasi is perfect choice for the role of Abhinandan because he is such a great performer and it could be his life changing performance.
We wish the team best of luck and we are desperately waiting for the movie to hit the cinemas.
Article Author: Sidra Ijaz
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