Geo Films’ first animated movie The Donkey King has created a storm at the box office since its release. The film surpassed previous records of all animated movies in local cinema on its day one with an impressive Rs3.6 million earning.
Following the trend, the film has now managed to make a whopping Rs3.85 crore on its third weekend, leaving behind blockbusters like Teefa in Trouble and Punjab Nai Jaungi, reported Box Office Detail.
Written, directed and co-produced by Aziz Jindani, The Donkey King is a good combo of entertainment and politics hence it has become equally popular among the young and the old and masses are loving it.
Seeing the upward trend of the movie, popularity of its title track ‘Donkey Raja’ and the hype amongst viewers, it can be safely said that the movie is going to ace on the box office in the coming weeks as well.
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