While many people seemed to agree with his post, some also took to bashing him for said opinion, owing to his work that may fall in the same category. One user on a popular social media platform commented how the post was “much needed” while another wrote, “Just because on one has given him attention, it’s disgusting,” referring to Maina. Earlier, when the film Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2 released, Butt’s portrayal of Maina was lauded extensively by viewers. Talking to a local publication, Butt had even said that when the writer Vasay Chaudhry had informed him of the role, he was ‘absolutely up for it’ and had always wanted to do such work.
Butt will next be seen in his first lead role in Nabeel Qureshi and Fizza Ali Meerza’s Fatman. The film will present family relations and emotions and the problems faced by an obese man in his life. “This film could change the perspective of people towards superheroes,” he has said.
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